Monday, September 24, 2012

8th Grade Egg Drop Challenge

For the past month, the 8th grade class has been working on innovative scientific thinking culminating in the Egg Drop Challenge with St. Rose of Lima. 

On September 19th, Annunciation 8th grade students took their egg drop vehicles to St. Rose of Lima to compete against 8th grade students from St. Rose working on the same challenge project. Separate brackets were created for designs that incorporated parachutes and those that did not. The vehicles had to safely carry an egg from an 18ft. window and hit a target on the pavement below. First and Second Place Honors went to teams from St. Rose, but many good designs were tested, and young scientists were able to see firsthand the fruits of the Scientific Problem-Solving Process. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Focus on Math in the First Grade Classroom.

One of our school's focuses this year is to work on improving math skills and fluency with our students. We will continue to benchmark our students using AimsWeb and teachers will use these scores to assist in developing lessons, and providing differentiated instruction to students who need additional assistance. This blog from first grade, shows how they use math manipulatives in the classroom. 

In First Grade we use manipulatives to help us learn new Math Skills.
 Today we were exploring the manipulatives to see how much fun math can be.
We really like the links, pattern blocks and dominoes.

But, our favorite manipulatives are the Teddy Bears.