Monday, November 5, 2012

Recognition from The Conflict Center

Last week, Annunciation Catholic School was honored with a special recognition from The Conflict Center. Annunciation was praised for the work the school has done to promote peaceful conflict resolution within its students. Currently, Annunciation students in grades 3-8 attend weekly group sessions with their peers, where they work with the school’s social worker to talk through emotions and conflicts. This program was started by Ms. Sheila Karpan many years ago, and has blossomed into the program it is today. Using training from The Conflict Center in Denver, and Second Step, an emotional skills curriculum, the students have learned non-violent ways to solve problems.

Don Ludwig and Mary Zinn from The Conflict Center were on hand following mass on November 1st, to present the award to Annunciation. Information about our school and our group program is being featured in a statewide traveling exhibit sponsored by The Conflict Center.